Course |
Electrotherapy (Lec/Lab)
Neurological Physical Therapy (II) (Lec/Lab) |
Clinical Practice in Physical Therapy
Clinical Observation in Physical Therapy
Seminar on Physical Therapy
Clinical Practice in Physical Therapy
Seminar for graduated student(I, III)
Seminar for graduated student(II, IV)
Seminar for doctoral student(I, III) |
Seminar for doctoral student(II, IV)
Neuromotor Recovery for Post-Stroke Patients |
Applied Electrophysiology Research for doctoral student
Applied Electromyography and Motor Dysfunction
Movement Neurophysiology for doctoral student
Independent Study in Neurological Physical Therapy |
Educations |
- PhD in Biomedical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, USA (‘94-‘98)
- MS in Biomedical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University (‘91-‘93)
- BS in Physical Therapy, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University (‘84-‘88)
Experiences |
- Acting Director, Institute of Allied Health Professions, National Cheng Kung University ('07-)
- Director and Professor, School of Physical Therapy, National Cheng Kung University ('06-)
- Professor, Institute of Allied Health Professions, National Cheng Kung University ('06-)
- Associate Professor, Institute of Allied Health Professions, National Cheng Kung University ('02-'06)
- Associate Professor, School of Physical Therapy, National Cheng Kung University ('02-'06)
- Acting Director, School of Physical Therapy, National Cheng Kung University ('05-'06)
- Associate Professor, School of Physical Therapy, National Cheng Kung University ('02-'06)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, National Cheng Kung University ('99-'02)
Experties & Areas of Research |
- Rehabilitative neuroscience
- Applied electrophysiology
- Neural signal processing
Areas of Research:
- Electromyographical analysis of motor overflow(motor overflow)
- Electrophysiological assessment of muscle spasm in stroke patients
- Analysis of physiological and Parkinson's tremor
- Feedback control of rhythmic movement in patients with Parkinson's disease
- EEG of cortico-muscular rhythm and event-related
Honors |
- Best Teaching Awards, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University (’00, ’01, ’02, ’03, ’04)
Publication List |
A. Refereed Papers: |
English Papers
Hwang IS*, Abraham LD, Chou SW: The effect of ankle joint position and effort on quadriceps motor pool excitability. Clin Neurophysiol.110,1175-83, 2000.(SCI)(*correspondence author)
Hwang IS*: The use of electromyographic spectrum in the investigation of motor unit behavior. Formos J Phys Ther,25(3),169-183, 2000.(*correspondence author)
Hwang IS*, Abraham LD: Quantitative EMG analysis to investigate synergistic coactivation of the muscle groups in the ankle-knee complex during isokinetic ankle movement: Part 1- Time-amplitude analysis, J Electromyogr Kinesiol,11(5):319-325,2001.(SCI)(*correspondence author)
Hwang IS*, Abraham LD: Quantitative EMG analysis to investigate synergistic coactivation of the muscle groups in the ankle-knee complex during isokinetic ankle movement: Part 2- Time- frequency analysis, J Electromyogr Kinesiol,11(5):327-335,2001.(SCI)(*correspondence author)
Hwang IS*, Lin YC, Ho KY: Modulation of H reflex amplitude and variance during pretibial dorsiflexion – Effects of joint position and effort level. Int J Neurosci, 112:623-638,2002. (SCI)(*correspondence author)
Lee SM, Huang YZ, Chen JJ*, Hwang IS: Quantitative analysis of velocity-related pathologies for spasticity and rigidity in elbow flexor. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry,72:621-629,2002.(SCI)
Hwang IS*. Assessment of soleus motoneuronal excitability with joint angle dependent H reflex in humans. J Electromyogr Kinesiol,12(5):69-74,2002.(SCI)(*correspondence author)
Hwang IS*, Tsai IY. Inter-trial variations of soleus H reflex in humans: Implication of supraspinal influence. Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol,42(8),507-512,2002.(Index Medicus)(*correspondence author)
Cho CY*, Hwang IS, Chen CC, Lin RM. Postural analysis for adolescents with musculoskeletal symptoms. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther,33(6):344-53,2003.(SCI)
Hwang IS, Lee SM, Cherng RJ, Chen JJ*: Electromyographic analysis of locomotion for normal and hemiparetic subjects – Study of performance variability and rail effect on treadmill. Gait Posture,18(1):1-12, 2003,(SCI)
Hwang IS, Lin CF, Tung LC, Wang CH*: Responsiveness of the H reflex to loading and posture in patients following stroke. J Electromyogr Kinesiol,14(6):653-9,2004.(SCI)
Hwang IS*, Cho CY. Muscle control associated with isometric contraction in different joint positions. Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol, 44(8),463-71,2004.(Index Medicus) (*correspondence author)
Hwang IS, Tung LC, Yang JF, Chen YC, Yeh CY, Wang CH*. Electromyographic analysis of global synkinesis in the paretic upper limb after stroke. Phys Ther, 85(8):755-65, 2005. (SCI
Chou SW, Abraham LD, Hwang IS, Pei YC, Lai CH, Wong AM*. Starting position and stretching velocity effects on the reflex threshold angle of stretch reflex in the soleus muscle of normal and spastic subjects. J Formos Med Assoc, 104(7):493-501, 2005.(SCI)
Ju MS*, Lin CC, Lin DH, Hwang IS. A rehabilitation robot with force-position hybrid fuzzy controller. IEEE T Neur Sys Reh, 13(3):349-58, 2005.(SCI)
Hwang IS, Lin CF, Chen YC, Cho CY, Wang CH*. Contrast of directional influence upon motor overflow between submaximal and maximal static exertions. Chinese J Physiol, 49(1):22-30, 2006. (SCI)
Hwang IS*, Huang CT, Cherng RJ, Huang CC. Postural fluctuations during pointing from a unilateral or bilateral stance. Hum Movement Sci, 25(2):275-291,2006.(SCI)(*correspondence author)
Hwang IS*, Huang CC, Su JH, Huang CT, Wang CH, Young MS. The effects of weight load and joint immobilization on reorganization of postural tremor. Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol, 46(2):67-77,2006.(Index Medicus)(*correspondence author)
Huang CT, Hwang IS*, Huang CC, Young MS. Exertion dependent alternations in force fluctuation and limb acceleration during sustained fatiguing contraction. Eur J Appl Physiol 97(3):362-71,2006.(SCI)(*correspondence author)
Hwang IS*, Wu PS. The reorganization of tremulous movements in the upper limb due to finger tracking maneuvers. Eur J Appl Physiol, 98(2):191-201, 2006.(SCI)(*correspondence author)
Hwang IS, Wang CH, Chen YC, Cho CY, Yeung KT*. Electromyographic analysis of joint-dependent global synkinesis in the upper limb of the healthy adults: laterality of intensity and symmetry of spatial representation. J Electromyogr Kinesiol,16(4):313-323, 2006.(SCI)
Huang CY, Wang CH, Hwang IS*. Characterization of the mechanical and neural components of spastic hypertonia with modified H reflex. J Electromyogr Kinesiol,16(4):384-391,2006.(SCI) (*correspondence author)
Hwang IS*. Physiological aspects of MMG and EMG spectra during load-varying isometric dorsiflexion. Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol,47(2):79-87, 2007.(SCI)(*correspondence author)
Huang CT, Huang CC, Young MS, Hwang IS*. Age effect on fatigue-induced limb acceleration as a consequence of high-level sustained submaximal contraction. Eur J Appl Physiol ;100(6):675-83, 2007.(SCI)(*correspondence author)
Cherng RJ*, Liang LY, Hwang IS, Chen JY. The effect of a concurrent task on walking performance of preschool children. Gait Posture, 26(2):231-7.2007.(SCI)
Hwang IS, Huang CY, Wu PS, Chen YC, Wang CH*. Assessment of H reflex sensitivity with M wave alternation consequent to fatiguing contractions. Int J Neurosci, 118(9):1317-30, 2008.(SCI)
Tang WT, Zhang WY, Huang CC, Young MS, Hwang IS*. Skill-dependent organization of postural tremors among competitive air-pistol shooters during aiming phase. J Sport Sci, 30:1-9, 2008,(SCI)
Huang CY, Cherng RJ, Yang ZR, Chen YT. Hwang IS*. Modulation of soleus H reflex due to stance pattern and haptic stabilization of posture. J Electromyogr Kinesiol, 19(3):492-9, 2009.(SCI)
Hwang IS*, Yang ZR, Huang CT, Guo MC. Reorganization of multi-digit physiological tremors after contraction of a single finger. J Appl Physiol,106(3):966-74, 2009.(SCI)
Hwang IS*, Chen YC, Wu PS. Differential load impact upon arm tremor dynamics and coordinative strategy between postural holding and position tracking. Eur J Appl Physiol, 105(6):945-57, 2009.(SCI)
Wu PS, Lin CCK, Wang CH, Hwang IS*. Atypical task-invariant organization of multi-segment tremors in patients with Parkinson's disease during manual tracking. J Electromyogr Kinesiol,19(3):e144-53, 2009.(SCI)
Hwang IS*, Lin CCK, Wu PS. Tremor modulation in patients with Parkinson's disease compared to healthy counterparts during loaded postural holding. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 19(6):e520-8. 2009. (SCI)
Hsieh TH, Tsai JY, Wu YN, Hwang IS, Chen TI, Chen JJ. Time course quantification of spastic hypertonia following spinal hemisection in rats. Neuroscience 167(1):185-98, 2010.(SCI)
Huang CY, Cherng RJ, Hwang IS*. Reciprocal influences on performances of a postural-suprapostural task by manipulating the level of task-load. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 20(3):413-9, 2010.(SCI)
Su CT, Wu MY, Yang AL, Chen-Sea MJ, Hwang IS*. Impairment of stance control in children with sensory modulation disorder. Am J Occup Ther, 64(3):443-52, 2010.(SSCI)
Fang JH, Chen JJ, Hwang IS, Huang YZ. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over the human primary motor cortex for modulating motor control and motor learning. J Med Biol Eng. 30:193-202, 2010.(SCI)
Hwang IS*. Roles of load-induced reorganization of multi-digit physiological tremors for a tracking maneuver. Eur J Appl Physiol. 111:175-186, 2011.(SCI)
Chen YC, Yang ZR, Hsu ML, Hwang IS*. Differences in cross modulation of physiological tremor in pianists and nonmusicians. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 43(9):1707-15, 2011.(SCI)
Tung LC, Yang JF, Wang CH, Hwang IS*. Directional effect on post-stroke motor overflow characteristics. Chinese J Physiol. 54(6), 391-8, 2011.(SCI)
Chen YC, Yang ZR, Hsu ML, Hwang IS*. Different overflow effects on dynamics of digit physiological tremor between pianists and non-musician controls. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 43(9):1707-15, 2011 (SCI)
Chen YC, Yang JF, Hwang IS*. Global effect on multi-segment physiological tremors due to localized fatiguing contraction. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011 (SCI)(accepted)(DOI 10.1007/s00421-011-2044-7)
Ju YH, Hwang IS, Cherng RJ. Postural adjustment of children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy during seated hand reaching in different directions. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2012 Jan 20. (SCI)(accepted)
Guo MC, Yang JF, Huang CT, Hwang IS*. Organization of physiological tremors and coordination solutions to postural pointing on an uneven stance surface. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 22(4): 589-97, 2012. (SCI)
Huang CT, Hwang IS*. Eye-hand synergy and intermittent behaviors during target-directed tracking with visual and non-visual information. PLoS One. 7(12): e51417, 2012. (SCI)
Huang CY, Hwang IS*. Behavioral data and neural correlates for postural prioritization and flexible resource allocation in concurrent postural and motor tasks .Hum Brain Mapp. 34(3):635-50, 2013. (SCI)
Chinese Papers
陳世銘、黃英修、陳嘉炘、蕭世芬、林昭宏*. 跑步機行走對中風患者下肢橫定性步態表現之影響。物理治療, 30(3),116-123,2005.
B. Conference papers |
Huang PA, Huang CT, Hwang IS. Age Effect on Adaptive Changes in Oculomanual Behaviors after Tracking Practices. The 66th Conference of the Association of Physical Therapy, R.O.C., March 23, 2013, Taipei. Taiwan.
Guo MC, Hwang IS. Practice-related adaptation to motor output with additive low-level noise. The 8th Motor control conference(2012 motor control),September 27-29,2012,Wisla,Poland.
Zhao CG, Hwang IS. Effect of Target Randomness on Motor Learning.Age Effect on Adaptive Changes in Oculomanual Behaviors after Tracking Practices. The 64th Conference of the Association of Physical Therapy, R.O.C., March 31, 2012, Taipei. Taiwan.
Chou JY, Huang CT, Hwang IS. Adaptive changes in visuomotor behaviors due to repetitive practices of manual tracking. The 62th Conference of the Association of Physical Therapy, R.O.C., March 19, 2011, Taipei. Taiwan.
Huang CT, Hwang IS. Role of the finger afferent information and visual feedback in oculo-manual trcking. 16th European Conference on Eye movements (ECEM 2011), August 21-25, 2011, Marseille, France.
Chen TR,Hsu ML, Huang CY, Hwang IS. Target Rate Influences Learning Transfer of Manual Tracking. The 60th Conference of the Association of Physical Therapy, R.O.C., March 21, 2010, Taipei.
Guo MC, Hwang IS. Differential tremor dynamics of concurrent pointing tasks on quiet stance and seesaw stance.The XVIII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK 2010), June 16-19, 2010, Aalborg, Denmark.
Yang ZR, Hwang IS. Load Superimposition on A Single Digit Enhances Release of Interdigit Coupling and Manual Tracking. The XVIII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK 2010), June 16-19, 2010, Aalborg, Denmark.
Fang JH, Huang YZ, Hwang IS, Chen JJ. The interference of antagonistic muscle contractionto the motor cortex excitability induced by theta burst stimulation.The XVIII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK 2010), June 16-19, 2010, Aalborg, Denmark.
Huang CT, Hwang IS. Eye movement strategies for sinusoidal force-tracking of different target motion stimuli.The XVIII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK 2010), June 16-19, 2010, Aalborg, Denmark.
Huang CY, Hwang IS. Postural-suprapostural control with different task loads: behavior data and neural correlates. The XVIII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK 2010), June 16-19, 2010, Aalborg, Denmark.
Huang CY, Chiang YL, Hwang IS. The effects of stance pattern and touch vector upon responsiveness of the soleus H reflex. The Fifth Pan-pacific Conference on Rehabilitation, Hong Kong, 2006.
Fang CH, Lin CC, Hwang IS. Corticomuscular coupling during rhythmic force production with sensory guidance. The Fifth Pan-pacific Conference on Rehabilitation, Hong Kong, 2006.
Wu PS, Hwang IS. The loading effect on postural and kinetic tremors of the upper extremity. The 49th Academic Conference of ROC (Taiwan), Taipei, Taiwan. 2004
Huang CY, Wu PS, Zhang QX, Wang CH, Hwang IS. The effects of sustained electrical stimulation and voluntary contraction on soleus H reflex sensitivity. The 47th Academic Conference of ROC (Taiwan), Taipei, Taiwan. 2003
Wu PS, Huang CY, Su JH, Wang CH, Hwang IS. The change in H reflex sensitivity secondary to voluntary submaximal contraction and maximal fatiguing contractions. The 47th Academic Conference of ROC (Taiwan), Taipei, Taiwan. 2003
Ju MS, Lin DH, Lin CC, Hwang IS, Chen SM. Application of fussy control theory in development of a robot neuro-rehabilitation of elbow. BED-vol.50, Biomedical Engineering Conference, ASME, 2001.
Lee SM, Hwang IS, Chen JJ. Habituation process and rail effect of treadmill walking. A EMG study of the ankle joint. (The XIII Congress of International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiogy, Saporo, Japan), 2000
Hwang IS, Abraham LD, Chen JJ. The use of surface EMG in the investigation of neuromuscular control strategy. (Conference on Physical Therapy Profession, Tainan, Taiwan), 1999.
Hwang IS, Abraham LD, Chou SW: The effects of ankle joint on the quadriceps motor pool excitability. (XI International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology, Prague, Czech Republic), 1999.
Hwang IS, Abraham, Chou SW: Dynamic spectral analysis of surface EMG reveals synergistic coactivation of knee muscles during isokinetic ankle movement. (Society for Neuroscience 29th Annual Meeting, Miami, USA), 1999.
Chou SW, Abraham LD, & Hwang IS: Clinical implication of the absolute reflex threshold angle of the stretch reflex in spastic soleus muscle. (American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 75th Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA), 1998
Chou SW, Abraham LD, Hwang IS, Chitre RD: Distinction between tonic and phasic stretch reflexes in the spastic soleus muscle. (Society for Neuroscience 28th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, USA), 1998
C. Books |
Abraham LD & Hwang IS: Joint time frequency analysis of electromyographic signals for investigating neuromuscular coordination, In Chugani M., Samant AR, & Cerna M: Labview signal processing, 1st ed., Prentice-Hall Inc., pp. 381-394, 1998
Hwang IS (1998): Quantitative Electromyographic Analysis of Synergy in Neuromuscular Control. Doctoral Dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Projects |
A.National Science Council Projects
Project Name |
Sponsor |
Since |
Position |
Holding or Attending National Conferences |
International Teaching and Research Exchange |
- Number of being invited by foreign institutes:
- Number of visiting foreign educational institutes:
- Number of students advised visiting foreign educational institutes:
- Number of students advised study aboard:
- Number of inviting foreign educators to the department:
- Number of inviting foreign students to the department:
- Number of directing research projects with foreign educators: